
A Sunday whale watch cruise netted little more than some spinner dolphins, flying fish, a cruise from Aloha Tower to Koko Head and some great views of Laeahi.
Named Laeahi by the ancient Hawaiians, the most famous volcanic crater in the world is Diamond Head, located on the South-east Coast of O'ahu at the end of Waikiki overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The name meant "brow of the tuna" and looking at the silhouette of the crater from Waikiki, you can see the resemblance. The current name came was given to the crater by British sailors in the 1800's. When they first saw the crater at a great distance, the calcite crystals in the lava rock appeared to glimmer in the sunlight. The sailors mistakenly thought there must be diamonds in the soil.
And that is the Hawai'i lesson of the day.
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