Where stars meet!

Boston brought the meeting of two stars on the rise. We all know the story of Arngee, but how many of you know the story of Lawson Clarke? Well here it is in a nutshell. . .
Name: Lawson Clark, as in Clarke Goward a Boston based agency
Age: 30
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs
Status: Single
Occupation: Advertising Executive
Category: Straight Guy Number 1
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Event: Girlfriend's 30th Birthday
Before there was Adam, before there was Butch, even before there was Blair...there was Lawson. Back in 2002, there were a couple of guys named David who had an idea for a makeover show with a difference. To some, it seemed like a long shot: the show would star five openly gay men, the makeover subjects would all be heterosexual men, and the title would include the word "Queer." Still, the only way to find out if America was ready for Queer Eye would be to cast five fabulous experts and let them loose on one hapless straight guy, with cameras in tow.
The first step was to assemble the Fab Five. An exhaustive search yielded a quintet of highly qualified experts: Ted, Carson, James, Sam and Charlie. They were thrown at a Boston-area friend of executive producer David Metzler, Lawson, who had no idea what he was in for. Although a successful man in his early 30s, Lawson was still living like a college undergrad with hand-me-down furniture and an empty refrigerator, much to the dismay of his longtime girlfriend. The Fab Five's mission: turn this frat boy into a "big boy" to prove to his gal Gable that he has long-term potential.
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