Monday, June 26, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006

The title indicates an echo as if in a canyon!
Canyon Creative specializes in design, advertising and marketingfor well-known, but unnamed, clientele in the retail, gaming, theme park, restaurant and entertainment worlds. It seems all agencies and studios in Vegas make this claim!
Here Arngee is reflected in the door trying to leave. It was a long day and this was the last stop!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
CDI Studios

The ten employees (counting the dog) at CDI Studios develop an optimal mix of message and medium to create communictaion design programs for clients like Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Cirque du Soleil (HR stuff), Paramount Pictures and the Las Vegas Monorail.
Victoria Hart is a creative director at CDI and seemed to have a fondess for vivid colors like pink and orange!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
MIMs the word!

The MIM Group specializes in motion graphics, web design, 3D modeling and animation, hence their in house theatre and video editing room.
Who is the guy pictured with Arngee? I have no idea! But he was a good spirited guy who laughed a lot and got a kick out of Arngee.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Viva Las Arngee!

Holy Howdy Doody Batman!
No, that is Gregg Carnes, a creative director at Freeman.
Freeman is a nationwide marketing frm specializing in conventions, events and exhibits and sports a 300,000 square-foot productiuon and warehouse department. They have a 12 person in house design team that works for clients like McDonalds, Microsoft, eBay and Texas Instruments.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Doblin, Inc.

Matthew Locsin from Doblin, Inc. put Arngee through the paces at a recent meeting. Arngee decided to stay out on his own. He don't wanna work for the man!