Thursday, February 23, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
The legend of Otto

Otto is Arngee's real name. We did not know that when we, the Class of 04, discovered him in the summer of 02. Otto seems stodgy, like an old man smoking a stogy! Arngee fits. But there is a story behind the name and I thought I would share it.
How Otto the Orange Got His Name
In the early 1980's it was time again to look for a new sports mascot. Several cadidates were taken under consideration, including a penguin with an orange scarf, an orangutan, the Abominable Orangeman, the Orangeman, Egnaro the Troll and an Orange. In the end, it was a warm, fuzzy and lovable Orange (known by several names through the years) that won the day. Despite recent attempts to give him a facelift, Otto has remained the same and is here to stay.
The mascot was known as "The Orange" until 1990 when the name Otto first came into use. The first Orange costume was dubbed "Clyde" by the Lambda Chi Alpha brothers, and the second called "Woody." In 1990 a third costume was being produced and needed a name. The cheerleaders were at Cheerleading Camp in Tennessee that summer and narrowed the field down to two potential names - Opie or Otto. Figuring the name Opie would lead to the inevitable rhyme with 'dopey', they settled on Otto. Later that Fall, word got out that the cheerleaders were calling the latest mascot costume, Otto and the name stuck.
Since it seems so arbitrary, I say we make a movement to rename him once again!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
AC (Arngee Correspondent) Lisa Ryan submits this post from Austin, TX

T3 The Think Tank
Born in the heart of Texas and toting a cocksure (she said cocksure) attitude that's reflected in our creative solutions, T3 is part advertising agency, part marketing consultancy and full-time idea factory.
It's also the country's largest privately held agency wholly controlled by a woman.
Things are different at T3. Out-of-the-box ideas fly all over their historic Austin corporate campus and their casually modern New York office. Their focus is on what works. Canned solutions always give way to right answers.
With a staff of over 140 people and a sophisticated digital production system to handle high-volume print and online work, T3 creates comprehensive solutions for national and regional business-to-business and consumer clients, including Dell, MSN, MTV, JCPenney, John Deere and Nortel.
Clients appreciate their get-it-done mentality and marvel at their integrated approach to marketing where results always matter.
Smart people doing smart things in smart ways. That's T3.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
Windy City

The Tribune Tower is one of the most beautiful buildings in Chicago. And of course a must see sight for our intrepid traveler Arngee!
Some information on the Tower.
This design was the result of an international competition for "the most beautiful office building in the world," held in 1922 by the Chicago Tribune newspaper. The various competition entries proved extremely influential for the development of skyscraper architecture in the 1920s. The winning entry, with a crowning tower with flying buttresses, is derived from the design of the French cathedral of Rouen and gives the building its striking silhouette. The base of the building is studded with over 120 stones from famed sites and structures in all 50 states and dozens of foreign countries. They range from the Parthenon (Greece) and Taj Mahal (India) to Bunker Hill (Massachusetts) and Mark Twain's "Injun Joe Cave" (Missouri).
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Billy Goat Tavern

Made famous by John Belushi during the hey day of Saturday Night Live and visited by Arngee in Chicago, home of the Cheezborger with Chips and Coke!
It still remains and has all the charm that it always has. It is located on lower Michigan avenue. That was LOWER, as in below the city! That's what gives it all its charm.
It aint quite the same place it once was with reporters from the local newspapers hanging out for a cheap lunch and a smoke. It has gone the way of the tourist! They even have opened up other Billy Goats around the city, but nothing like the original!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The Arngee Effect

While in Harrisburg, Arngee made the rounds and worked his mojo. Some were quite affected, others not so much.
The effect is weird. Some it brings unspeakable joy. Others it makes them do crazy things.
Can you identify those who were and those who weren't affected?
A: Lil J LeVan
B: Welshy
C: Fashionista Monica
D: Nel Diddy