Arngee, aka Otto, is the mascot of Syracuse University. The ISDP Advertising Design class of 2004 adopted him as one of their own and took him on a trip around the world. Hope you enjoy all his travels!
Friday, September 30, 2005
Arngee knows Dick!
Vitale that is. They came together for a meeting of the minds at the playoffs the year SU went all the way!
That's John Hockenberry of NBC news fame. He was the host/moderator of the AIGA Conference in Boston. When he saw Arngee, he asked if he could have his picture taken since he has been such a big fan. How could I say no?
I really do not remember which person was Merkeley, Newman, Harty or just a partner. I think Merkeley is the one who knows were to look for a picture! It is quite clear who Arngee is.